Sokol/Sokolice Milwaukee, Inc.
Celebrating Czech-Slovak culture through education and physical fitness since 1868
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Gymnastics Classes
Monday, September 9 through Monday, May 5
Gymnastics Classes  (Sokol Gymnastics Program)
6:15 pm to 7:45 pm
Blessed Sacrament School Gymnasium, 3100 S 41st St, Milwaukee, WI 53215
Having fun at Sokol Milwaukee Gymnastics - Come join us!
Classes held on Monday evenings starting September 9th to May 5th, 6:15pm to 7:45pm.
For more information and registration information please visit our Gymnastics page.

Baking Help Needed for Czech Pork/Jaternice Dinner
Friday, February 21
Baking Help Needed for Czech Pork/Jaternice Dinner  (Sokol Baking Session)
8:30 am to 2:00 pm
Blessed Sacrament Church, 3100 S. 41st Street Milwaukee, WI 53215
On weekdays, please park on the street. The school uses the parking lot for a playground.
We need your help at our baking sessions for the 2025 Czech Pork/Jaternice Dinner
Come join the fun!
Please call or text 920-979-3551 or email to let Ann know when and if you are coming. 

Baking Help Needed for Czech Pork/Jaternice Dinner
Saturday, February 22
Baking Help Needed for Czech Pork/Jaternice Dinner  (Sokol Baking Session)
8:30 am to 2:00 pm
Blessed Sacrament Church, 3100 S. 41st Street Milwaukee, WI 53215
On weekdays, please park on the street. The school uses the parking lot for a playground.
We need your help at our baking sessions for the 2025 Czech Pork/Jaternice Dinner
Come join the fun!
Please call or text 920-979-3551 or email to let Ann know when and if you are coming. 

Dinner Help Needed for Czech Pork/Jaternice Dinner
Sunday, February 23
Dinner Help Needed for Czech Pork/Jaternice Dinner  (Sokol Baking Session)
10:00 am
Blessed Sacrament Church, 3100 S. 41st Street Milwaukee, WI 53215
We need your help at the 2025 Czech Pork/Jaternice Dinner
Come join the fun!
Please call or text 920-979-3551 or email to let Ann know when and if you are coming. 

Czech Pork / Jaternice Dinner and Bazaar
Sunday, February 23
Czech Pork / Jaternice Dinner and Bazaar  (Sokol Jaternice / Czech Dinner)
11:00 am to 3:00 pm
Blessed Sacrament Church, 3100 S. 41st Street Milwaukee, WI 53215
Celebrating our 95th annual dinner with authentic Czech food, music and shopping.
Meal seatings at 11am and 1pm.
Please use the east entrance located on 40th St.
Public is invited to attend. Advance registrations are needed.
Mail-In Form and Online Orders will be available on January 2nd, 2025 to February 14th, 2025.

Sokol Membership ANNUAL Meeting - ZOOM only
Tuesday, March 4
Sokol Membership ANNUAL Meeting - ZOOM only  (Sokol Membership Meeting)
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Our third meeting this calendar year, will be Tuesday, March 4th on zoom.
Guests are welcome! 
Sokol members will be emailed the zoom link. Guests may request a zoom link by sending an email to