Sokol/Sokolice Milwaukee, Inc.
Celebrating Czech-Slovak culture through education and physical fitness since 1868
Czech Videos
and American Sokol Scrapes episode links
What is Sokol Milwaukee?
narrated by
Sonia Riecan

Czech Kroje Costumes
narrated by
Ann Cramer

Czech Decorated Easter Eggs #1
demonstrated by
Ann Cramer

Czech Decorated Easter Eggs #2
demonstrated by
Ann Cramer

American Sokol Scrapes - Episode 1 - Origin, Development and Demise of Folk Dress in the Czech Lands
A recording of this presentation is now available at:

American Sokol Scrapes - Episode 2 - Origin, Development and Demise of Folk Dress in the Czech Lands
A recording of this presentation is now available at:

American Sokol Scrapes - Episode 3 - Sokol Museum & Library: Inspiring Sokol Stories
A recording of this presentation is now available at: