At a meeting of individuals held at the "Slovanske Lipy" Hall, on June 14th, 1868,
plans were made to organize a gymnastic association to be known as "SOKOL"
The following individuals became charter members of "SOKOL":
Jos. Braun, Fr. Bures, M. Cada, Tomas Cejla, Fr. Drahoz, Fr. Frana K. Janecek, Fr. Hudecek, Vacl. Ircing, Fr. Kostlan, Jos. Kostlan, Vacl. Kesner, Jan Krozek, Ant. Novak, Al Rothbauer, Fr. Steiger, Karel Vrabec, Jos. Zima.
From this group Frantisek Bures was elected President pro tem and Anton Novak, Secretary.
First order of business was as follows:
1. To apply to the "Slovanske Lipy" trustees for rental of hall for beginning
2. To pay 1/2 year's tuition for Br. F. Bures to attend an American speaking
gym class as student so that he could later instruct Sokol gym classes.
3. To elect a committee to prepare within 14 days By-laws for the new Sokol
organization. Elected to serve on this committee were Anton Novak, Fr.
Steiger, and K. Vrabec.
4. Decision made that Sokol gym classes be held every Thursday.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Fr. Bures Anton Novak
President pro tem Secretary